Trivium IP toolbox
This toolbox comprises a selection of common IP and patent related tools with links which regularly are used by Trivium IP.
Patent Time Limit Calculator - PCT time limit, also relevant for patents in general as many time limits are same in the different patent systems and jurisdictions
Status information about patents and patent applications - Google patents advance search, shows status (pending, granted, lapsed) of published patents and patent applications
International Patent Classification (IPC) - a hierarchical classification system to classify and search patent documents
Cooperation Patent Classification (CPC) - an extension of the IPC classification which is commonly used by patent offices world wide, jointly managed by EPO and USPTO
IPC Catchword list - a service from WIPO to identify relevant IPC classes with catchword
Espacenet patent search - patent search service
WIPO Patentscope - patent search service
Depatisnet - patent search service